No one likes disappointment. Typically, the greater the disappointment the greater the efforts to avoid it in the future. So in the case of asking God for something and finding our expectation unmet, sometimes the fallout is significant becoming a catch 22 for the extension of faith necessary to experience the miraculous.

The way that most protect themselves from future disappointment is to justify or make excuse why they didn’t receive what they expected from God. Most all of these expressions of your protection mechanism are rooted in some form of unbelief.

As bad as we want to understand, I’m convinced that sometimes our minds or our experience have not developed to a place of being able to rationalize clearly through our disappointment. It’s not that the answers are unattainable; I just think many times we are not yet postured to receive them. In those seasons, at least in my own life, I have to resort to extending my faith toward the “goodness”, “will” and “love” of God expressed in His word and not my current reality which is seemingly in contradiction to what the Bible says.

When the Truth of God’s word seems inconsistent with the facts of my experience, I have to decide where I am going to extend faith… Will I extend my faith toward what appears to not be or will I extend faith toward what God says is…? Only one of those has the potential to change environments and move us in the direction of breakthrough… Some would say this blind extension of faith and continuing belief in spite of the apparent contradiction is foolishness — In my experience it has been the only catalyst to have repeatedly change my apparent inconsistency into a miraculous breakthrough.


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