I’m an observer.  I intentionally listen to the words people use to try to explain their positions.  I watch their body language as they speak them.  And I try to interpret what they are expressing beyond the limitations of vocabulary.  I’m convinced that many christians I encounter simply have a Que Sera Sera mentality about life, God and their destiny.  It’s expressed in words like, “Well, God is sovereign”, “It must just be God’s will” or my favorite, “Well everything happens for a reason”… I say BULL!

Certainly, the will and sovereignty of God plays into some of our experiences, but I’m not convinced these are the catalyst for as many of our experiences as they are given credit for.  Because of this kind of thinking many believers sit back and wait for God to do something for them…because ultimately “it must be His will anyway”.

As experience reveals, some things will be “brought to us” but without an honest pursuit of God and ALL He has for us, it is likely impossible to completely fulfill our purposes and destinies.  “Some things can be discovered only by those willing to be inconvenienced by risk.”  Why else would there be scriptures like, “Ask and keep on asking.  Seek and keep on seeking.  Knock and keep on knocking.”  – There are answers to be found IN THE PURSUIT!

I’m convinced that if your position is “whatever will be will be” then whatever is right now will continue to be… Do what you’ve always done, get what you’ve always got.  I for one am in passionate pursuit…Who’s coming with me!?

The quote above is taken from Bill Johnson in his book, Experience the Impossible chapter 61