Often times we view God and His word through the lenses that we have been taught or assumed ourselves to be right…I had a conversation with a friend yesterday and he shared something with me that, as a pastor I had never considered before. He quoted the scripture “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble”…then he said to me, “I always assumed that this meant that God was opposed to or looked down on people who were prideful…but I wonder if it’s possible that the word “opposes” actually means that He stands firm in his position when our pride rises up and we try to do things our way and no matter how hard we try to press past God’s way in favor of our own, He is immovable and we are hitting a barrier that ultimately will prove to be right.”  My friend was implying that Gods opposition was actually a guardrail of Love and protection set up to keep us from going over the pride cliff that would destroy us without His protection.  And that made a lot of sense to me.  The older I get the more and more convinced I am that God loves us and He is faithful to complete the work that He has begun in us.  As I consider my friends perspective today, I find myself questioning, are there more things about God that I have been taught or thought I knew that may have more to them than I previously assumed…?  I would say…Probably.


My new book, Quantum Christianity: Believe Again  – Discovering the Science of Scripture, Uncovering the Mysteries of Faith – should be out May 1st, 2015!  Addressing a lot of “out of the box” thinking as it pertains to God, Theology & Science!  Click here for more details


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