…I Am God!

Remember seeing the little kid that is lost in the mall, frantically looking for his parents? “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!!!!” He is so perplexed, overwhelmed and distraught that there is little that you can say or do, short of showing him his father…

I was pondering a scripture earlier…

Matthew 11:28 (Amplified Bible)
28Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]

As I pondered that scripture in a prayerful state, I saw the scene I explained above with the lost little boy play out in my mind… I knew God was trying to show me something so I asked Him, “What are you trying to convey to me?”… The answer tugged at the heartstrings of my own “father” nature…

This is what I believe He was showing me…For any number of circumstances, so many of God’s children run around frantically looking for God like some lost child… Crying out, “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy…” Running this way and that way completely perplexed and without any guidance or intentionality of direction… They are acting as though somehow, GOD is lost and THEY have to find HIM…

God is NOT lost…and the frantic, anxiety driven, blind pursuit is NOT the solution to the problem…As a matter of fact, it will likely make it worse!

Here is the point… I KNOW my son’s cries… I could be in a room with 10,000 people and if he cried out “Daddy” I would immediately tune in to the ONE voice that matters… the voice of the one that has my heart…My Son’s!

YOU are God’s Son or Daughter…HE ADORES YOU…YOU HAVE HIS HEART! God hears the cries of His children, He is concerned about that which concerns you, He asks you to call unto Him and confirms that He will answer you…Time and time again, throughout scripture, there is confirmation of this desire of His heart to hear, answer and intervene… This is the FATHER nature of God!

As I considered this entire scenario, the scripture hit me… “Be still and know that I AM GOD…” The God who created the UNIVERSE with billions of light years between its ends, cares about YOU… He is saying with that simple statement of “be still” … “I am your loving Father! I know exactly what you need! I know exactly who you are! I know exactly WHERE you are… Be still…You’re not God, I am…So quit trying to do MY job!”

When we know who our Daddy is, and that He is watchfully aware of us… In that time of anxiousness or even disillusionment , we can be still and wait on our Father who has promised to watch over, protect and provide for us…He WILL answer and will come to us and take our hand…

Running about blindly when we feel “lost” only makes it more difficult for us to hear HIS voice calling us to the direction that He IS…

When we STOP with all the emotion and commotion, we can hear HIS voice saying, “Come unto me… You don’t have to run yourself ragged trying to find me…I’m right here and I will give you rest…”

Isn’t it amazing how when a distraught “lost” child finally slows down enough to hear their “Daddy’s voice” or see their “Daddy’s face” , the entire atmosphere changes for the them…? Everything that so perplexed them just moments before melts in the presence and realization of their Father…

Jeremiah 29:11 (Amplified Bible)
11For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome…

HE has plans for YOU! The God who created everything that we understand from the smallest atom to the unfathomable vastness of the universe has a plan that is unique and specific to YOU!!! Once that reality REALLY sinks in to our finite minds and we even vaguely understand the intense weight of who we are to the God that is THAT immense and intense… it almost seems ridiculous to concern ourselves with the circumstantial!

So at the point where we go, “I don’t know what else to do…” Just BE STILL and rest in the work that He is doing on your behalf… It’s His plan, so until He gives you a directive, simply rest in Him … Busy is not always better…particularly when, like the lost child in the mall, it’s driven from a place of fear, anxiety or lack of direction…

…and know I AM GOD!

If you can dig it…Say Word!!!