Being Connected…


As I was walking into the house today something caught my eye. Recently, I had cut my bushes with hedge clippers. I threw most of the cut branches away but one, rather long branch, laid across the top of the bush. It was completely brown, withered and dead. When I saw it I had a thought…


That branch was in the same proximity as all of the other branches. If not for the difference of color, I would not even be able to differentiate the detached from the attached branches (which is likely why it was overlooked when throwing away the other branches when it was originally cut). It was surrounded by the other branches, it was even loosely connected to the other branches by literally laying on them, but it was not tied in to the bush any more and even the close proximity to the bush was not enough to sustain its life…


Then I had a bit of an epiphany… How many in the church experience the same parallel (spiritually)?


John 15:4-5

4Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you. [Live in Me, and Iwill live in you.] Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in (being vitally united to) the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me.

5I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing.


How many surround themselves and blend in to the surroundings yet are not actually “Connected” to the vine? One translation of the bible uses the words “Remain” in place of “Dwell” and would read, Remain in me and I will remain in you…


Those words Dwell and Remain are action rooted. There is an indication in using those words that there is an expectation or an effort needed to “Remain”, or “Stay Connected” to the vine. And if that is the case then there must be potential for us to “Disconnect” from the vine. I’m not of the opinion that you can be unknowingly disconnected per se’ but I do think that we can intentionally make choices that will disconnect us from the provision (or at the very least “fullness” of life) that is had when we are connected to the vine…


6If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. 8This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.


When verse 6 says, “He is like a branch…” I believe it is pointing out that (from a physical parallel) the withered, lifeless branch cannot be used and is the type of branch that is usually simply discarded and burned up as “useless” because it’s dead…


Some preachers have paralleled “Hell” as the “fire” in their explanation of this portion of scripture, but I’m not sure that is what is being referenced. I think it is painting a detailed picture that apart from God and a life giving connection to Him (by having a relationship WITH him) there is no REAL life to be had and we find ourselves, ultimately, in a place where we feel used up, dried out,withered and NEEDING LIFE like a dead branch that, without HIS life would be alife “thrown away”… (as if our choices to operate outside of His provision and His best for us is the equivalent of throwing away our own lives by killing our true potential and destiny…)


There is also a promise at the end of that scripture for those who do “Remain” in Him… (remain indicates “Constant” connection to) Jesus says, “ask what you WISH and I’ll give it to ya…because, ultimately, your bearing fruit is giving glory to God and showing people that you are my disciples…” I think that’s cool…and I’m not to the point yet where I’m seeing EVERY one of my prayers and even”wishes” getting a green card… So I have to assume that I can probably be “more connected”, “Remain more consistently or CONSTANTLY” and ultimately produce more fruit than I have in the past…


I have to ask myself, how many problems and issues could have been avoided had we intentionally and constantly stayed connected…? Not to discredit the attack of the enemy, but I wonder sometimes if we would have had more of an ability to divert the attack or have had more strength or life to combat the attacks had we intentional and proactively “remained”connected. It’s a thought…


Interesting thing is this…I had this entire download in a matter of seconds by looking at something that caught my eye IN PASSING…


I have to assume that it was something that God was wanting me to understand and probably equally as important for me to share today for some of you who may read it.


Whatever the case, I feel challenged to pursue a more intimate and life-giving connection…


If you can dig it…Say Word!