When God’s Promises Fail…
Bear with me for 2 paragraphs even if the content it is slightly over your head so that I may set up a point…I assure you, it will all make sense in a minute…

Spiritual If-Then Conditional Statements
In geometry there are a series of formulas for solving problems called proofs…in the beginning of a proof you have a basic rule or statement which sets up the problem solving portion of the equation.  You have to use a sequence of understood rules or formulas called Theorems, Postulates, and Definitions to solve or prove the reason that the initial statement is true or false (that is Geometry in a nutshell…)

In the theorems there are rules called If-Then conditional statements…example: (If two angles form a linear pair (straight angle), then the angles are supplementary)…

Some of you are saying, “WHAT THE HECK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?…I’m almost there, just 2 more sentences…

If the CONDITIONAL statements or rule lines up with what you are looking at then you can assert that the particular statement is true and move on to the next part of the equation…Until, everything lines up in the equation, you cannot move on because your If situation does not equal the THEN condition…

A few weeks ago I began pondering If-Then Conditional Statements after not sitting in a math class in over 10 years.  As I contemplated the concept of CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS I began to see that there are many parallels with Spiritual IF-THEN Conditional Statements throughout the Word of God…

For instance:  2 Chronicles 7:14 says; IF My people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land…
Romans 10:9 says; IF you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, THEN you will be saved.

They are conditional statements that are only fulfilled when the “IF” is in place.  They are prerequisites which open the door to the “THEN” promise.

I have heard many people complain about how God is not or has not fulfilled his promises to them…When I hear these things I have to ask myself whether or not they have fulfilled their part of the deal by completing the IF.  The IF comes before the THEN!

In 2 Chron 7:14 (listed above), God says, IF his people who are called by his name will humble themselves, AND pray, AND seek his face, AND turn from their wicked ways…THEN…He will fulfill his promises to them…
The fulfillment of the promise is only contingent upon their response to his prerequisite…
You and I are God’s People!  If you call yourself a CHRIST-ian, then you are literally called by his name (Christian is actually interpreted “little Christ”)…and God says in his word that if he promised it then he will make good on his promises…
But if he is going to “make good” on his end of the deal, he expects that you “keep your end”…Actually, nearly ALL of the promises that I have found in Gods Word, have a conditional prerequisites attached to them which you first must fulfill before he can/will fulfill his end…

Even the most BASIC of Christian principles involving forgiveness of sin has a conditional statement attached to it…
We must first ASK FOR FORGIVENESS before receiving it…it is a promise of God that he WILL forgive you, he wants to forgive you, he sent his son to die for you because he wanted to restore that relationship between you and him, but there is that IF which provides a path to the THEN…

It really is very simple.  God did not make his promises unattainable and he did not place promises in his word for everyone BUT YOU!  The promises that God has made in his word for his people are absolutely FOR YOU!!!  The bible says that God is no respecter of persons, but I have found that some people are greater respecters of God and his Word than others…Which I believe is why you see some living with the promises of God fulfilled in their lives, and some are not…

If you have a need, God desires to fulfill it, but he leaves the decision in your hands…Will you submit to your end so that he may fulfill his end?

Matthew 6:33 says; Seek first the kingdom of God (which means, God’s way of doing things) and right standing with him, and all other things will be added unto you.

Psalms 84:11 says;…No good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly.

So IF we seek FIRST God’s way of doing things in our lives and live our lives pleasing in his sight, he will not withhold ANY good thing from us!

He loves us and wants to see us succeed and move forward…but he can only bless us as much as we will allow him to…The way we open those doors of blessing in our lives is to fulfill the prerequisites…

IF the Conditional Statements of his word line up with the condition of our lives…THEN those promises apply to us and we posture ourselves to receive according to, and walk in them…

I propose that God’s promises do not fail because of anything he has done but that they fail because of things we haven’t…
IF we do, THEN He will!

Currently reading :
Battlefield of the Mind Winning the Battle in Your Mind
By Joyce Meyer
Release date: By 2002