Today I was driving down the street with my four year old son Rocky when he piped up from the back seat, “Dad, one day can you buy me a nice telescope…”  as his father, and Being a star gazer myself, it’s my hearts desire to do nice things for him…so  I told him, “Sure”… Then he revealed the true intent behind his question as he replied excitedly, “Then maybe I could see Disneyland!”

Rocky kept asking me why I was laughing but I couldn’t answer, the entire thought process was just so funny to me…

This experience got me thinking about God from the perspective of a father.  The bible says, if we know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more must he know how…as our father.  I could not possibly love anything more in this life than I love my little boy…and yet as much as I love my son, God loves us more…

I think very often we as human beings view God as a “distant father” existing somewhere beyond the stars.  But scripture after scripture confirms that God is as close as the air that we breathe, He has numbered the hairs on our head, He is concerned with that which concerns us and that he wants for us to cast our cares upon him… God is not a distant father but he is that friend that sticks closer than a brother and his word says that nothing can separate us from His love.

Just like I do for Rocky, As our father, I believe God laughs when we laugh, He Cheers when we win and He weeps when we hurt.  He knows us and cares for us so intimately…  So, Today I would like to encourage you to approach God, not as a distant far away God, but as your father who loves you more than you can ever imagine… He hears your prayers wants good things for you… He’s a good Dad… Actually, He’s The best…