As a retired detective, I have spent a lot of time in court. Something that has never ceased to amaze me is a mother’s love. The defendant may have committed any number of atrocious acts, and his mother will sit behind him in court, day in and day out listening to every detail of the crimes he has committed…unwaivering in her love for her child… and when sentence is passed and they escort her son out of the court room in handcuffs when everyone else looks down on him with judgment and condemnation, she is the only one the room with tears in her eyes looking at him with as much love as the day he was born… and I think that there is something to be learned about love from what I have observed in this experience.

No matter what my son ever does, I can never see his actions separating him from my love. I’ll love that boy through thick and thin. And although there is the obvious comparison between God the Father’s love for His children, I think that there is an even deeper message in this analogy when we consider that God expects us as Christians to display HIS love to others.

I was speaking with my pastor just yesterday and I conveyed a story where I found myself judging a family of a different faith who was being interviewed on television and feeling the Holy Spirit impress upon me these words, “Aaron, you know they are my children too…”

Just like that mother in court loves her son who has made so many mistakes, God loves His kids even more! If as Christians, we wear His name, we should also be intentional in displaying His love…

I’m not implying that this is an easy thing to do but I also don’t believe we have to make it happen on our own, we just have to submit to His leading and allow Him to love them through us… His first nature is love, if mine is not, then I obviously have more to learn from Him on what it means to “think different”, to love different… to be different…