In the past 2 months, in my home town we have had record breaking heat and a drought that has caused me to jokingly coin the phrase that “Brown is the new Green”…

Then out of the blue last week, the weather seemed to flip to the other side of the coin and we are now having thunderstorms everyday to the point of flash flooding! From drought to a flood…Have you ever felt like this example parallels the story of your life… If so, you are not alone!

Like many of you, I have found myself feeling like life is dry and burnt up so I pray for rain and then it rains so hard that it nearly drowns me… (If you have ever prayed for patience then you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about…)

Here is the redeeming factor in all of it… No matter how hot the heat or how torrential the downpour, God is still faithful! Jesus told us in the bible that we would experience tribulation in this world, but he didn’t leave us there, he goes on to say, REJOICE because I’ve overcome the world!

I believe that there just comes a point where we have to choose to submit our will and emotions to God and Praise Him anyway, not because the circumstances are necessarily good but because HE IS! And He is faithful to work it all out for our good because He loves us and we are all called according to His purpose…

Be encouraged today, if you are going through a drought or a flood, God is still God, He loves you, and you are going to make it! God is greater than your current reality, determine to focus on Him and “Think Different…”