When People tell me that they are tired, I often respond…”I was tired once…”  Of course it’s a joke, but in truth, being one who is motivated and affirmed by progress, often times I find myself more tired than not…

Well today is labor day… and like many of you, I’m thinking about work! A lot of really significant doors have been opening for me in the past year, I have been writing again after finishing my last book (not yet published), I’m pastoring, I’m working with some people to build my brand, I’m working to build my business, I’m designing an ebook layout for my first (already published) book, I’m traveling as an itinerate speaker, while also filling the shoes of “Daddy” and “Husband”…

Don’t get me wrong I LOVE IT! I’m one who really excels when it’s crunch time and as long as I see the ball moving down the field, I WANT THE BALL! But, I have to admit, I’ve been balancing so many spinning plates lately that I find myself even dreaming about keeping the plates spinning after I go to bed!

Welcome to life right?! We all go through these seasons where we see how diligence and attention to detail can pay off and we have to step up our game to get to the next level. I’ve spent years “being still and trusting God” and now that doors are opening and God is leading me through them, I’m following His leading…

No one ever said it would be easy, on the contrary Jesus even said that we would have really significant opposition in this world but to “rejoice because He has overcome the opposition”…

So, regardless of where you are on this Labor Day, I’d like to encourage you with a scripture that I have been meditating on for the past few weeks…

Galatians 6:9
New Life Version (NLV)
9 Do not let yourselves get tired of doing good. If we do not give up, we will get what is coming to us at the right time.

Another version says, “We will reap IF WE FAINT NOT”…

Be encouraged today, if you are in a season of planting, plant with the excitement of knowing that God is faithful and a harvest is coming. If you are in a season of harvesting, harvest with the diligence of knowing that you planted and watered the seed and now is the time to put your rear in gear and go out and bring in the fruit of your labor…

But in all of it, remember, it is God who is faithful to complete what HE began in you… Your job is not to “make things happen” your job is to discern the season you are in and respond to God’s leading as HE PRODUCES the harvest, opens doors (or shuts them) and guides you into your next season!  and His word promises that HE will renew our strength…