Well, this is definitely the shortest blog i’ve ever written but I think it says as much as chapters in a book…

I was watching a couple yesterday at a restaurant with a 3 month old little boy… he looked a lot like my son at his age… I found myself wishing for some of those times back when he was so little… but the crazy thing was, when he was that little, all I can remember is wishing he would get bigger because spending all those hours feeding him, changing him, holding him when he cried were difficult for me. I didn’t fully appreciate the season because I was spending so much time looking forward to the next season… If I had it to do over again… I think I would just smell the roses (or dirty diapers) and appreciate it for what it was… Live in the moment if you will… there is a scripture that says, “Worry not what tomorrow brings for tomorrow will have enough worries of it’s own”… I kind of get that now… There is something to be said for “making memories” today… Just being intentional and thanking God for the good opportunities that living today affords and realizing that, Tomorrow, will have it’s own experiences, I’m here today, I can influence today, I can make today count… So I’m doing my best to live in today…