1 in 3 children are overweight or obese. For the first time in hundreds of years, children are not expected to outlive their parents in the United States and the primary reason is obesity. It is unarguable that the US statistically is getting more and more overweight and the health problems/deaths associated with obesity and unhealthy eating are at an all time high…

We MUST do something about this! At the heart of this heated debate is the necessity of the four and five prong fork… Statistically each household in the US contains 12 four or five prong forks! This is more than 3 four or five prong forks for every member of the average American family.

With such easy access to high food capacity forks it’s no wonder that children and adults alike are becoming more and more gluttonous every year. To put this in perspective, each person in an american family can eat 3 ample meals, with an average of two to three 2 prong fork bites on each four to five prong fork before even having to WASH a single fork! With such readily available instruments of rapid body mass index increase-ability how is one to deny the urge to over eat or even realize that they are full when the stomach doesn’t even have time to notify the brain before over consumption!

I’m asking you to join and forward this message from “We the people against 4 and 5 prong forks” demanding president obama institute an executive order banning the use and sale of forks with more than one bite capacity!

I know what you are thinking, “if you ban forks, people will just use spoons to accomplish the same thing” but we’re not talking about spoons, we are talking about FORKS and not just any fork, but four and five prong forks! Not to mention, there is no statistical proof that once the use of four and five prong forks are eliminated that people will continue to commit gluttony with a spoon…

In truth, 87.98% of all meals eaten in the united states are consumed with four and five prong fork and of those meals, 72.6 percent of those eating those meals, over consume. THIS IS AN ALARMING STATISTIC! If we compare our statistics to say the chinese who eat with matching one prong forks, and also compare the BMI (body mass index) of the chinese to we americans, you will see that there is a MARKED difference in weight, obesity and BMI with the chinese averaging 20+ lbs less and with 15% less body fat than the average american of the same height!

If this doesn’t prove to you that Prong control works, I don’t know what will!

So join with me in our mission to ELIMINATE THE FOUR AND FIVE PRONG FORK from our society and see obesity and gluttony struck from our borders!

Please sign the attached petition and God Bless America!

My name is Aaron Davis…and I approve this message…