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I was speaking with my dad this morning over coffee and he made this statement, “So much to learn and so little time…”


The older I get, the less I realize that I actually know.  I’m seeing things now that my lack of experience or passion or pursuit in times past has kept me blinded to.  Over the years, without any intentionality, I have constructed tiny “acceptability” boxes and formulas in which God was permitted to exist and operate from in my life.  Anything outside of that box was either “weird” or “wrong”.  I’m reweighing that now as I realize that what is foreign or “weird” to me is not necessarily “wrong” and perhaps there is something more to be learned.


I read this morning, “It’s easy once we’ve made some adjustments in our belief system about what God can and will do to think that we have stretched far enough…”  I wonder if like generations before (that I have criticized for their shortsightedness ), we are dangerously close to regulating God’s work by a new and revised list of acceptability… The problem I have with a “list” is that it is a “list” and God, being one who often seems to operate outside of areas of acceptability (both from a scriptural and personally experiential perspective) will likely violate it….So when He does, how are you going to respond?


This past weekend I hosted a meeting where God undoubtedly showed up… People’s bodies were miraculously healed (maybe your personal box says God doesn’t do that today…).  Some came up for prayer and were healed but some of the people that were healed were simply sitting in their seats, hurting from their ailment and when they stood up they realized that God had already healed them (some after years of pain and suffering).  If one person had this experience in a neutral environment I could chalk it up to a possible coincidence, but when multiple people have the same “impossible” experience for different ailments at the same time in the same environment, statistically the odds of “coincidence” go way way down.


All I can say is that daily my “boxes” continue to be challenged and I’m forced to acknowledge that there IS something more at work than many of us have given ourselves permission to accept.  As my father said, “There is so much to learn and so little time…”  Hopefully, as I continue to open my mind and break down the boxes of acceptability today, there is something that God would like to reveal to me tomorrow that my box has kept me from understanding yesterday… We shall see…


I’ve just finished a “Quantum Manuscript” to be released as a book later this year… Subscribe to this blog for further updates.  And if you enjoyed this, please repost it to your social networks, rate it and leave a comment!  This will boost its impact and visibility.