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If God’s chosen people, (the children of Israel) had decided that they were content to be out of Egypt and simply set up camp on the other side of the Red Sea never pursuing the Promised Land, they would have always slept with yesterday’s enemy and enslaver at their doorstep.


Today I’m contemplating that perhaps in many respects the Body of Christ has done just that, gotten far enough out of “Egypt” to realize they have more freedom than they had yesterday, but never really pursuing the fullness of what God intended for them and subsequently sleeping with their enslaver ever at their back door while often times being critical of the ones who are discontent with settling and actually in pursuit of what God has promised.


My Bible says there is more than what is commonly accepted as “normal Christian living” (which often more resembles “dying” than “living” or “trying not to bleed to death” instead of being “more than a conqueror”)…I’m not being critical, I’m just calling a spade a spade!  I’m tired of the excuses, I’m tired of the faithless doctrines created by wounded leaders…We’ve all experienced “loss”(those who know me well, know i’ve experienced a ton of it, with a big serving of injustice to top it off) but I’m not content to accept a doctrine that contradicts the promises of God and makes “loss” the “norm”… I’ve already experienced and seen with my own eyes much more of the “miraculous” than many even believe is possible…


I’m no longer content to continue to fight the enemy of yesterday.  If they want another piece of me then they will have to chase me as I seek out the enemy standing in the way of my tomorrow…I’m done with yesterday…


I will pursue the promise…



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Also be looking for my new book Quantum Christianity to be released this fall.