“There are no scarless warriors”

I heard this quote a few weeks ago and it has been ringing in my mind ever since…

No matter how strong or valiant a person is, everyone goes through battles, EVERYONE!

I was speaking with my best friend Scotty yesterday.  His grandmother died and I asked him “How’s your mom doing?”  He said, “She’s doing ok, but you can imagine how hard it would be to have your mother die…no matter how old.”

I started thinking about the reality of that statement. When problems are “someone elses” we are removed from the reality of the situation.  If it were my mom, the weight of the situation would be much more impacting on me…it would be MY reality, my battle.

Life’s battles come and go and the personal “feelings” associated with these battles eventually heal, but like any wound, the lasting proof of the injury is usually a scar…I have a LOT of scars…Most are physical, some are less than visible yet just as impacting…and some are still healing to a certain degree.

Yesterday, while talking to my sister summer I reflected on the past few years of my life.  I have knocked on deaths door a few times in the recent past, I told my sister that I have experienced my own personal “hell” especially early in 2007.

Then, last night, I had a bit of a “reality check”.  I was watching Date Line or one of those national news shows, they ran a story honoring the life of the most decorated living US soldier.  (here’s the readers digest version)

After being captured in Vietnam, this soldier broke away from his captors, evaded them for two weeks, was captured again, and then spent 5 years in POW camps, including the infamous Hanoi Hilton where he was tortured repeatedly and starved…This man, now well into his senior years, reiterated the events of his past including the torture, to my surprise with a smile on his face, authority in his voice and pride in his stature…He was a survivor!  He carried an air that demanded a warriors respect even though he is now an aged man…

His body was wounded, His emotions were taxed beyond imagination, years of his life were taken from him, but now he is the most honored man in the US military…His scars tell the story of his victory…not his defeats!  (that statement just gave me chills)

That man went through 5 years of HELL!  AND MADE IT!

Now, because of what he has gone through, his reputation precedes him.  He need not say a word, his medals of valor and honor tell the story that his clothing covered scars justify.  Those medals came at great cost…He could have given up but he didn’t, he is a soldier who was wounded, imprisoned, beaten, and bruised but he came out VICTORIOUS! And his life now gives hope to others who have experienced their own difficulties.

This is NOT the point where I say “See, it can always be worse” that goes without saying…Nevertheless, when it is OUR battle or OUR pain, It’s OUR reality!  My dad has a quote that seems applicable here, he says “it’s hard to remember that your initial intent was to drain the swamp when you’re up to your butt in alligators….

When I go through my own personal “hell” I can find strength in this soldiers story knowing that my battles will make me stronger, wiser, BETTER! It’s a temporary situation molding me on the road to the rest of my life…On the road to fulfilling MY PURPOSE in life…and I CAN MAKE IT!

I recognize that a man cannot lead where he has not been…One day my Son will look at my scars and ask me, “Daddy, what happened there?” and I will be able to share the story of victory associated with those scars just as my father’s life stories and wisdom have been an inspiration to me when I was struggling…Just like this soldiers story has been an inspiration to others who have experienced adversity…

There is no “Draft Dodging” when it comes to life’s battles and the scars give us “credibility” as one who has experienced warfare.  They justify the medals of victory, they are the trophy’s of our successes as we have conquered in our own personal wars!

Now, having experienced what I have, when I share with you that God is faithful to bring you THROUGH a situation…I can speak with authority on the subject, BECAUSE I’VE BEEN THERE…I know what it feels like to feel like you are going to die, I know what it feels like to wonder if you will be forever physically disabled, I know what it feels like to have what you viewed as your “life” ripped out from under you, I know what it feels like to hurt physically and emotionally from the injuries, I know what it feels like to suffer when I felt like I didn’t deserve it, I know what it feels like to go THROUGH a battle, and I know what it feels like to come OUT of that battle victorious!  It was hard when I went through it…BUT I AM NOT DEFEATED!!!  I’M STILL STANDING!!!  AND I WILL CONTINUE TO STAND!!!!  I AM VICTORIOUS!!!


The bible says that we are victorious through Christ who gives us strength…and I can say with all assurance, that GOD IS FAITHFUL!!! as one who has experienced that strength when I felt that I had no strength of my own, as one who has experienced the peace of God when anxiety was trying to ruin my quality of life, as one who experienced courage in the face of death…I TELL YOU WITH AUTHORITY AS ONE WHO HAS BEEN THERE…GOD IS FAITHFUL!  So take courage, this battle you are facing is a temporary one. There is victory on the other side of the attack if you will hold your ground.  Just don’t give up!

The bible says that we are to Trust in the Lord with everything in us and not lean on our own logic to try to figure out “why” things are as they are…In everything that we do we are to acknowledge Him, and he will straighten our crooked paths (Proverbs 3:5-6)…

God knows what you are going through…The bible says that he takes notice and cares for even the small birds (how much more we who were created in his image) He cares about your pain and He wants to help…

He is so faithful, it was probably God’s leading that brought you to reading this blog today…So be encouraged…God loves you and you will make it though this battle…

There are no Scarless warriors, there is no testimony without a test, there is no victory without a battle and God promises in His Word that you win when you place your trust in Him.

If you can dig it say WORD!!!