I Remember…

1 Thessalonians 5:16Be joyful always; 17pray continually; 18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Sometimes the circumstances get hard…Sometimes the battle becomes heated…Sometimes we forget where we determined we were headed before opposition diverted our focus…Sometimes frustration clouds the vision that we had when the skies were clear…Sometimes we have to stop and recalibrate and remind ourselves where we’ve been…where we came from…What God has done for us…and right now, I Remember…

I Remember…that you promised that you would never leave me or forsake me

I Remember…that you promised to meet all my needs according to your riches in glory

I Remember…that you knew me before I was born and called me according to your purposes before I ever took my first breath

I Remember…that you have plans to proper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future

I Remember…that your Word says that you are the same, yesterday, today and forever

I Remember…when you saved my life when others sought to end it

I Remember…when my throat closed and I couldn’t breathe and you provided healing

I Remember…when finances were so tight that we couldn’t pay our bills and you sent provision

I Remember…when we didn’t have cars and you provided vehicles for us to drive

I Remember…when others were more “qualified” but we received favor and promotion

I Remember…when we were living in difficult arrangements and you provided us a new home when we shouldn’t have been able to get it

I Remember…twice hearing your voice when another’s life or death rested in my hands and I was able to make the proper decision in those circumstances

I Remember…when I felt hopeless and discouraged and bitter and you provided direction and peace

I Remember…when I wanted to quit and throw in the towel, how you sent a man that I did not know to tell me that God told him to tell me to “Not give up”…

I Remember…when you gave me vision in a season when I had no direction

I Remember…when in was in high school and you showed me my friends red pickup rolling off the road and him being ejected and killed and told me to pray…then reading three days later in the paper that his vehicle was involved in a roll over accident but the seat belt saved his life

I Remember…when my son could not breathe and a machine was breathing for him and you restored his health

I Remember…when I was overwhelmed with grief over my son’s ailments and you gave me peace and strength to endure and overcome

I Remember…when my team chased an armed murderer through the woods and you distracted him moments before we stumbled across his hiding spot and protected us from eminent harm

I Remember…when I reached for a stone to clear off of a construction site and I heard your voice say “Watch out for the Spider” only to cautiously over turn the stone and see the largest poisonous spider I have ever seen precisely where my hand was reaching

I Remember…when you provided us with jobs that were an extreme blessing in seasons of extreme lack

I Remember…when your favor provided me with acknowledgment and awards for service that others were equally qualified to receive

I Remember…when my friend asked me to pray for him when diagnosed with brain cancer and you healed him completely and no trace was ever found on the x-ray again…with no treatment…

I Remember…when it felt like my world was falling apart and my health was failing and I couldn’t even stand that you gave me strength and restored me

I Remember…when I felt your guidance to hit my brakes seconds before that Camaro switched lanes and would have wiped me out on my motorcycle

I Remember…when I had no money for school and you spoke to someone to give me the EXACT amount that I needed to be able to go

I Remember…when I had to live on drugs for anxiety and panic attacks and how you gave me peace and set me free

I Remember…when a man approached me and requested prayer for his panic attacks and 6 months later found me to tell me that you set him free and he did not have them after we prayed

I Remember…so many answered prayers, so many times of provision, so many times of protection, so many times of faithfulness

I Remember…I Remember…I Remember

And I thank you! I thank you that you are Faithful my God! I thank you that you are true to your Word! I thank you for your provision in my life…and I thank you that you are the God who has done it before and will do it again!

You are: The Lord God my Provider, The Lord God my Healer, The Lord God my Peace, The Lord God my Shepherd, The Lord God who is always There, The Most High, The Mighty One, My Shield, My Redeemer, The Righteous One, The God of Covenant, My Rock, The Almighty and All Sufficient God…


You would be worthy of my praise because of who you are even if I had never experienced any of these blessings…but I have, and I thank you! I thank you for what you have done, what you are doing and what you are yet to do in my life! I thank you that You have been faithful even when I was not! I thank you that you loved me even when I did not deserve it! I thank you that you have provided me with a covenant with you that I can draw upon at any time, under any circumstances, and in any situation because I am a joint heir with Christ…I am your son and YOU ARE MY GOD… YOU ARE FAITHFUL!!!

…and I Remember!!!!