
Testimonials from some who have been impacted by my ministry.


I have been watching you for a few weeks, and I am becoming more aware! I have been sober from an intravenous meth addiction and living a CHANGED life for a little over two years now! I had come to a point in my walk where I was looking for more revelation and out of the box thinking about GOD. What comes from your mouth rings in my soul! Just wanted to say thank you for being AN instrument of GOD’s word in my life, and teaching me how to think a little differently about JESUS and this covenant that I am living in. – Mark

Just to let you know… Your blogs have made a huge impact on me and my daily life. I know that im just one person but just know that you’re awesome for being obedient to what God puts on your heart. Believe me when i say. You are changing the World!! – Yvonne

I’m sure this is a message you get a million times but I just have to say thank you for your blogs and devotion. God has used you to confirm some things to me and really set me free in some areas. Thank you for letting God use you. – Stephanie

Hey Aaron! We finished your book (Love Thy Neighbor…? When a Spirit of Religion Opposes the Heart of God) yesterday.(We read a chapter a day with our daily devotion, it was hard not to cheat and sneak chapters ahead of each other) Your power-packed book was life-changing for us. Thank you for using your gifts… and for just being the warrior God created you to be. – Dexter Smith

Aaron,.I’ll never forget what you did for me sending out that letter i wrote to all those countries and having them pray for me. My daughter phoebe is doing good. Life is good now. Thanks again for being my life link. Keep doing what you do. – Sonni

I wanted to personally thank you… I want to encourage you to continue in the work of the Lord. God has given you an unusual anointing upon you life and you will reach many for Christ. You carry a radical anointing that is not religious but will challenge and confront the gates of hell. You are a voice to this young emerging generation. You carry the power and authority of Christ to pull down demonic and satanic strongholds. Continue to be difference brother, the body desperately need a fresh voice in the 21st century. God bless you! – Naim

Thank you again for your wonderful teachings and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE never stop! This world could use more than a million just like you, sir, and I THANK GOD FOR YOU and for the Internet that made it possible that I should meet you electronically! Such a wonderful blessing you are! SUPER THANKS TO A SUPER DUDE IN CHRIST! … Your friend, — Iris

Your a great a preacher 1 of the best ive ever heard! Word!! – Timothy

I’ve nearly became bitter because of a love gone wrong. I am so thankful that you speak the Word… so many of us “Warriors” often need encouraged as were out here marching for the Lord. – Ms. Wendee

I am diggin everything you preach to all of us. Your teachings have placed a new peace in me, and given me new views and different resolutions to my problems. Thank you for your strong words and as long as you dont give up, neither will I. WORD! – Ivan

Oh Aaron I really need to hear this today. I have fallen away from God and have not trusted Him to make my “crooked lines straight” You are awesome and so is God. I believe He lead me to this blog today because He knew this is what I needed to hear..thanks my friend..Word!!!! –angee

I am going thru alot right now and have kind of lost my way spiritually for where I am headed and your video helped bring me back to the basics of what the Word would have to say about it. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you! God Bless – Grace Hand

You are seriously one of the only people i have seen that makes sense to me.. i have gone on and off to church my whole life.. i am 22.. and i finally realized…i have a hard time being told by another human how to live.. and your video about not being religious but having a personal relationship with God is EVERYTHING i have ever said and felt.. and.. it just seriously made me feel soo much better about my life..thanks so much for putting up these videos. – Michael

I just wanted you to know that I love your videos. Dont stop making them, I’m almost 18 years old and this is the first time in my life that I have felt comfortable hearing things about god and it is all in the way that you present it. Its great! Thank you – Branden


I could not post this publicly, I’m too private. I have tears rolling down my face, balling like a baby. You could of said all that just for me.

For the first time after 28 years another Christian said they were sorry for me being pushed away from Church and God by so called Christians. I was pushed away for over 10 years before I found Jesus on my own. And still didn’t go into a church for about 13 years after that. No body ever said they were sorry. I am so pumped right now! You have been a fabulous messenger! God bless you from the bottom of my heart. –Cindy

I will admit my first reaction was ” he can’t possiably serve the same God that I do” I took a moment to listen to clips from some of your video blogs and you know what? I LOVE IT. It’s in your face truth with the bite and taste of what the world wants and needs “Gods honest truth”, Keep on Keepin On Dude! I Love It! God Bless All That You Do. – April

Ive been watching ur blogs everyday now, n wanted to let u kno that i love them. They’ve helped me alot. – anonymous

God is pleased with you! I went to my sisters mypace page and under heros guess who is there? Your video about life or death! I got chills when I saw it there. You reached her somehow enough that she actually put something with GOD, SCRIPTURES and JESUS on the face of her sight. I know nothing is impossible for God and get so excited when I see him answer my prayers through a sister or brother in him. Glory to Jesus the most high. I cannot thank you enough that you are doing the work of God through my baby sister. I hope she trusts you enough to actually, TRULY get a personal relationship with Jesus. – Star

I thank you so much.. No one has been able to get through to me, but you have done what I thought was the impossible. I haven’t been able to sincerely pray for anything and feel that God would hear me until I listened to your message today about your little boy, storms, it stirred up in me a need to pray for something bigger than I am or what I am going through,.. thank you so much for being such a blessing. – Donna


Your ministry makes me ponder my life in ways that i would have never done before…thank you!- Kali

You give me what I need in a week… I like the questions you ask… you don’t just preach.. you ask us to look inside ourselves, and to question things around us. I appreciate you..It’s hard to explain. I just went through something personally traumatic, and all I can say is that had it not been for Jesus and thinking back on something you once said..I may have ended up worse… – Anonymous

Your words have changed my way of thinking I hope and pray for you and your Beautiful family piece and love God Bless You My dear friend. –Alicia

I had saved the first message that you had wrote me back (when I asked all the complex questions) so I could read it again when I wasn’t on such a “conspiracy kick” and it really touched me how insightful and well-thought out your answers were. It is the sign of a true man of God when you have concern for even a total stranger. However, I do not think of you as a stranger anymore. In fact, I love you and think of you as a bro! – Sid

Aaron — I’m proud to call you Brother and Friend! I wept as I read through your profile and listened to that God-given song, “My child, I love you” — I encourage you…don’t discredit the amazing instrument God has given you vocally nor instrumentally — you are gifted and anointed!!! My heart gets so touched by true believer’s that actually BE JESUS WITH SKIN ON… – Lisa

Man God is sooooooooo good. Last night at First Christian Church in Alamo God showed up and showed out big time. I have never seen the Holy Spirit move in such a powerful way as I saw it last night. Aaron Davis a.k.a. The Tattooed Preacher, brought a word that was truly anointed by God…I had the amazing privilege to pray and lay hands on about 20 middle school kids and just pray God’s blessing and anointing over their lives. It was truly an amazing sight to see about 60-70 kids all holding each other, praying over one another and lifting each other up in Christian love. One thing that really stood out to me and blessed me was seeing a group of young people with their hands raised and just singing and dancing before the Lord, down on their faces before God praying for the rally, the speaker, and their friends and families. It was truly a sight to behold. – Randy

I just wanted to let you no how much you touched me tonight… I feel so much better! There for a while i was going to church then i stopped and started messing up and you turned me around tonight thanks a lot! – Youth from WHAM conference in Alamo

Ok, so for real, i cant get enough of your site, the connection is slow here in Iraq, but i waited almost an hour to watch blog 1 and 2, and i would go to 3, but i have to go “work” for 12 hours, so yeah my spirit was so dry, got a little water, and i just feel refreshed, Aaron, i just want to say thank you for being obedient. – Scott

I was suicidal on the day after Christmas, I watched your video blog about depression at the holidays. I cried and cried! But was touched by the spirit! Through you! Thank you! I just wanted you to know that you helped me through a very tough time in my life! I am Happy, just for today! Love thru HIS Light. – Shana

I listen to your video blogs as often as I can. I think you are very intelligent and I just wanted to say that you are doing a great work for the Lord. I have learned so many things, have been lifted up and inspired from your videos. Thank you for your ministry. In Christ – Abe

Thank you….you have no idea how much I needed to hear your words of hope and inspiration to get me through my day. Thank you. – Barbara

I wanted to drop a note and remind you that what you do here is a wonderful thing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been full of doubt then seen one of your blogs, your status, or your joy filled page and turned my thoughts around. I don’t know what would of became of me if I wouldn’t of ran across your ministry many months ago but I’m often thankful to have found you.

May God bless you and your loved ones during this holiday season. – Cindy

I was ready to give up today and needed to know God has the plan…Thanks for the reminder. – Pastor Tim

Just to tell you I appreciate Gods work thru you…Thank you for being a friend on myspace. I got the chance this last weekend to use your site as a tool to spread God’s love. To make a long story short, I went to visit my sister in Fresno, Calif this last weekend… Her husband, brothers, sister-in laws, cousins friends were all there and most of these guy are hardcore gangbangers, Anyway, they seen your profile and were like yeah check em out… they really liked what you had to say… so I was telling everyone about your book “Love thy Neighbor” and showed em some of the blogs I liked on your page!!!!!! I just wanted to thank you and of course I thanked the LORD for letting me share his Love thru your page!! Just wanted to tell you that!!!! – caroline

Your messages are always so powerful and anointed. I thank God for the way he is using your love for his Word and all he is. Can’t thank you enough for advancing his kingdom here on earth and loving people to Jesus!! God Bless you and your precious beautiful anointed family-Anonymous

In times of confusion and trying to understand what it all means feeling lost out there, I appreciated what you shared. Thank you! – Judith

I just want you to know how truly wonderful it is to listen to you preach…I am glad to see someone with a strong love for God in this crazy word! Thanks – Michelle

It’s so freeing to read this blog about your past. It’s like you are giving others permission through your honesty, to get in touch with the inner “us” that we may all be running from in one way or another. Thank you for sharing, God’s strength shines out and shows his supernatural strength through your story. – Treece

The past few weeks since we corresponded I have recieved a new hunger for the word. God has been drawing me to Him in a real and apparent way. He led me to a WONDERFUL church that I felt at home in the very first time I walked through the doors. I get fed each and every time I am blessed to go. This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. One that is VERY exciting and I can’t wait to see where it goes! But know this… YOU have been instrumental. Thank you so much. God Bless You. – michelle

Keep being a light in the darkness. Keep going to the places with no light and bring LIGHT Keep Going to the places without salt and make it salty not by your might or your power but He that lives in you and by the Holy Spirit working through you keep killing that Religious Spirit keep reaching those that people dont dare to reach. I am encouraged by your boldness and faith I pray that you keep having supernatural encounters and that God takes you into the fullness of your Destiny and Calling keep being Obedient to the Call that is on your life I see that you are completely CONSUMED BY THE CALL AND BY THE FIRE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT and you want others to experience the supernatural power of God to see others set free keep doing what your doing 🙂 – Nick

Aaron, once again you have touched me with your ministry! As I sit here and read this in tears, I am so encouraged by you…struggling to say the least having to take care of 4 children. I will make every moment count and not dwell on my rejection. Thank you again. – Melissa

Your blogs and style of ministering are just what the Lord prescribed, and I have the utmost respect for you… You come across as a compassionate, humble, and genuine young man. I will be looking forward to that video blog you are working on, as I see you are a gifted teacher. – Anonymous