Daddy, Hold You…

I’m listening to a song by Jeffrey Smith and City of Life Worship right now and I’m in tears as I believe God is showing me a “Father” parallel that 2 years ago I would not have fully understood…the name of the song is “Draw Me Closer”…

My son Rocky is 18 months old and that little boy is my world! Last night he tripped and hit his head right in front of me… I knew he was hurt…My response was like that of any father…I went to him and picked him up, because, at that moment, he needed his daddy to be there for him. He needed to know everything was going to be ok and if there was something that needed to be tended to, he needed his daddy to take care of it…

The opening words of Draw Me Closer are, “I never needed anyone like I need you in my life…there’s a longing in my soul, that only you can satisfy…”

A few bars later the chorus continues with “Draw me closer…your love is all that I need”

As I listened intently to these lyrics, I envisioned Rocky looking up at me and reaching and saying “Daddy, Hold You”…

Sometimes he says “Daddy Hold You” when he is afraid and needs the reassurance of daddy’s strength because he knows I am his protector. Sometimes “Hold You” is when he is hurt and wants me to comfort his pain and be there for his peace…Sometimes “Hold You” is just a desire to be loved and embraced and kissed and hugged or to simply sit in my lap and spend some time with his dad…but all of the “Daddy Hold You’s” are a request for me to draw him to myself…and I don’t deny him regardless of the reason…when he wants his daddy’s love, strength, reassurance, peace, deliverance, safety…whatever…I want to give it to him more than he wants it himself…I’m his daddy…He’s my son…and I love him…

Matt 7:11 …How much more your father in heaven…

I can see myself through my sons eyes, standing at the feet of my “Father” and saying “Daddy, Hold You”…”I need you right now”…”Draw me near…”

Can you see the love in His eyes? His desire to pick you up and hold you far superseding your own desire to have him draw you near… and in that moment of his acknowledgment, amazingly the problems begins to pale in comparison to the strength and stature of your daddy who raised you up from where you were, to now being able to see your world from His perspective far above anything that could effect you…

His giant hands embracing you close to himself, your ear against His chest… With thumb in mouth it seems that peace radiates from the rhythm of His heartbeat…Can you hear it?

Can you feel the soft kiss as He affectionately lays his cheek against the top of your head? Can you hear Him as He whispers “I’m right here, Daddy loves you”?

Can you see the tears of Joy fill his eyes as He looks at you, His child, whom He loves with a deeper love than you will ever understand in this lifetime? He sees you from His perspective, a Fathers perspective and you share a bond that has no equal in life…You are a PART OF HIM…

Will you see yourself through His eyes?

The song ends with a segue into the repeated chorus of a Foreigner classic…

I want to know what love is, I want you to show me…I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me…

As I close my eyes and listen, I understand…I believe I know exactly where this song was birthed from when it was penned…

If you are interested in the City On Fire CD Check it out at the link below…it’s well worth adding to your music library…

it’s also available on Itunes…