“Pastor Aaron, what does ‘being present’ with God, look like personally for you…?”

This question came up during a recent opportunity I had to speak into the lives of a group of worship leaders.  During our discussion I made the statement that I believe God is always speaking and that a significant amount of our frustration and failures are a direct result of failing to hear His voice in the midst of our circumstances — Primarily because we are simply more present with our own life, interests, desires and circumstances than with God.

I used the example in my own life of being married and having a 6 year-old son.  I’m embarrassed to admit how many times my son or wife have called me on the carpet for “hearing” but not “listening” because I was immersed in whatever was in front of me…typically, work related.

Whether I’m writing another chapter in a book, preparing a sermon, editing a graphic, responding to an email, scheduling social network updates or thinking about the next thing I have to do; more times than I care to acknowledge, my son or wife have sought my attention, asked a question, shared something they were presently excited about or even said my name over and over again, only to be completely tuned out…IN THE SAME ROOM!

I live up to my initials “ADD” (Aaron Daniel Davis) and like many of you, I can become EASILY distracted if I am not absolutely intentional with where I direct my attention.  For this reason I have had to be purposeful about when and where I focus on work so that I can be present with my family.

I answered the question of “what being present with God looks like” with this answer; “Like the example of my family, the Holy Spirit is already in the room and speaking…He doesn’t have to be ushered in or begged to come… HE’S THERE, I Just have to be intentional to be present and acknowledge Him above everything else that has my attention and typically, the way I personally do this is with this statement, ‘My God, you alone are my supply and as close as the air that I breathe.  I stop now and become aware of you…’ It doesn’t typically take more than that… “

God’s not hiding from us.  Most of the time I think it’s just a matter of “will we hear Him”.

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