Last weekend I spent some time with a friend of mine who is an actor/model/fitness guru and we had a really cool time…He took me to a VIP type party where I was able to rub elbows with some people in his industry who have attained “celebrity” status (I’m not a name dropper so don’t ask)…

I found myself about mid way through the night sitting off to myself observing the crowd and analyzing the people in this room.  Some were “famous”, others were not, but it was painfully obvious that some who “were not” definitely wanted to be associated with those who were…

I watched as people, in the presence of celebrity, began to push forward through the crowd to get a few seconds of attention from those who they have seen on TV or attempted to get in view of the rolling cameras so that they could be in the background of this reality show that was being filmed at our party…

I thought to myself, “it is interesting to see how people, magnify other people and place them on pedestals as if they are somehow superior to another human being just because they have a cool job or have been on TV”…I think the psychology surrounding this is merits analysis…

We all have aspirations of who we would like to be, and I think at the root of this whole analogy, we can find a bit of identity living vicariously through someone who does what we wish we were doing or could do…and as a result we idolize the one who “made it” and thus re-affirm their stardom by elevating their status in our minds…

It happens with Musicians, Actors, even Ministers…people look at them and think about how they would like to be who their “hero” is…


Pondering further this scenario, I watched everyone at this party interact…observing more than anything, the eyes of the individuals…

I have heard it said, that the eyes are the windows to the soul…I found myself becoming depressed as I spoke with people and looked in to their eyes because it seemed that many were living for today with no real direction for tomorrow…The stories I heard indicated that they were striving but not really arriving…Existing, but not really “living” their “DREAM”…and this left me feeling heavy…I watched as they looked upon the “celebrities” who have “made it” with regret in their own eyes…

I am certainly not saying that everyone at that party was miserable…that would be presumptuous and even arrogant…Many people appeared to be having fun, and enjoying life…but I couldn’t help but notice others who appeared to be trying hard to have a good time to little avail…One of which even talked to me about how miserable he really was as he downed his umpteenth drink…

Most people are living their lives wishing that they were living what has become their broken dream…

With the recent press of famous actors attempting suicide and pop singers making decisions that are career busters…I have to ask myself, “does living their aspired dream just make the emptiness seem more hopeless because they have reached the point that they believed would make them happy only to find that they are still empty?”


My personal hypothesis is that many have neglected a very significant component of happiness in their pursuit of their dream…I call it the God spot…

I believe that there is a void in every persons life that can only be filled by a relationship with God…Many try to fill this void with other things but continue to feel empty because, Man was created to have relationship with the creator and he designed us to be completely fulfilled by having an intimate relationship with him…

I heard a quote this past week that jumped out at me…

“What you are becoming is inextricably intertwined with where you are going”

Who you are today will determine where you will go tomorrow…

And I question, Can I really live the life I dream about before I become the person that God dreams about? I believe that God has placed the dreams and desires that I have for my life in me, because ultimately that is the person he wants me to be…but is there prerequisite for becoming that person?  Do I first have to “seek right standing with God” before my dreams can ever REALLY be fulfilled…

The bible says to seek first Gods way of doing things and right standing with Him and then ALL other things will be added unto us…

If I seek the fame without seeking God, will the fame be unfulfilling, will I still feel empty if I reach the status of my aspiration but the “God hole” is still void…

Is the answer to our present emptiness in attaining more, reaching that “celebrity status”…or am I aspiring for what I think will fill my emptiness only to have the rug jerked out from under me once I reach that “point” and realize that I am still empty…

I propose this, if where you are is not your destination, then it is you preparation!  You are being prepared to become all that God has intended for you to be!  But until you experience a deep change on the inside, no amount of change on the outside will bring lasting and positive progress to your life…

What you can’t see, you’ll never be…What you can tolerate, you will never change…You don’t drift into your destiny…

You cannot love your future by lusting for the things of your past…The more you look back, the less you’ll get ahead…

I have heard it said that the person with an experience is never at the mercy of one with an argument…I have experienced the peace associated with putting God first in your life, and I have experienced the void of walking outside of His will for my life…I am convinced that His way is best…I know He loves me and he wants the best for my life…and according to his word if I place him first in my life, everything else will be added to me…

Not only does he want me to have the desires of my heart…He placed those desires in my DNA…He wants them for me more than I want them for myself…But in order for the fulfillment of those desires to actually “complete” me, God has to be the dominant part of the equation…Otherwise, there will always be a void, There will always be something missing…

WE HAVE TO INCLUDE THE MISSING VARIABLE IN OUR LIFE’S EQUATION-“GOD”…Without the missing variable, we will always be searching for an answer to an unsolvable equation…

Ever striving, but never arriving…THINKIN YOU KNOW, BUT YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW!!!

If you can dig it, Say “WORD”