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Language is so imperfect…


How many times have you known inside what you felt but when challenged to express it in words, language just fell short?


Romans 8:26-28

The Message (MSG)

26-28 Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.


It’s so easy to hear someone say something (or attempt to write something in a 140 character tweet or short blog) and immediately shoot holes in their perspective because they worded something in a way that you wouldn’t have…Yet, if you knew their heart , they may likely be thinking or feeling exactly what you would think or agree with minus the imperfection of the chosen expression.


I weigh words heavily because I typically choose them intentionally.  But not everyone is as left brained and analytical as I am…In times past, hearing a right brained, artsy person cry out “More God! Give me more of You!” created a tension in me because in my mind I processed that God placed the fullness of the Godhead in Christ and Christ in turn made that available to the church… “As He is, so are we in this world…”, “We are seated with Christ…” I could go on and on to substantiate my position that there is not “more of God” available if He has given us His all…  In my mind I would think, “There is no MORE, the problem is that as a church we aren’t even utilizing a portion of what we already HAVE been given!” 


Don’t act like you are more spiritual than me… You’ve done it to in some way or another…


But more recently God cross-checked me (pun intended) with a thought and I asked myself, “Is it possible that when they are crying out “more God” that our hearts perspectives are the same but I would simply choose different words when I’ve asked God to Increase my personal capacity…?  And is it possible that God is perfectly capable of honoring and interpreting the heart of the one who wants to experience a greater understanding or deeper intimacy with Him while choosing imperfect language to express themselves in ways that may fall short of adequately reflecting the deeper feeling of their heart…?


And the answer was unmistakably, “Yes”.


I couldn’t count the times that I’ve approached God myself & my words were just so inadequate.  I’m thankful that in those times He was able to interpret the tears as He searched my heart beyond my ability to verbally communicate…I’m equally thankful that no one was standing behind me judging my tears because they could have expressed my feelings more adequately…

Lesson learned…



~I’ve just finished a “Quantum Manuscript” to be released as a book later this year… Subscribe to this blog for further updates.  And if you enjoyed this, please repost it to your social networks, rate it and leave a comment!  This will boost its impact and visibility.~ Thanks… Aaron