I have been on a recent study kick about the influence that our thinking habits have on the outcome of our lives.  From a biblical perspective we are told to cast down and arrest any imaginations or thoughts which are contrary to the word of God.

I am confident that the reason most Christians are falling short of their desired goals in life is directly related to an undisciplined thought life.  My Pastor has this saying about this topic, What goes on in the mind, will happen in time.

Verse after verse in the Bible tells us that if we want to reprogram our minds according to Gods thoughts we must renew our minds to his word.  As we do so we begin to rise up to his higher life.  This is the great exchange.  We give him our low life and get his high life.  We give our death and get his life.  We give our sin and get his righteousness.  We give our sickness and get his healing.  We give our poverty and get his prosperity in every area of life.  As we let go of what is ours in the natural realm of life, we receive what is his in the supernatural.

Jesus put the great exchange this way:  Whoever finds his lower life will lose the higher life, and whoever loses his lower life on my account will find the higher life (Matthew 10:39 in the amplified bible)

So many people are afraid to let go of what is theirs in order to receive what is God’s.  They know that what they have isn’t much, but its all they’ve got.  So they hang on to it.   Although that thing does not give them the life they want, they still hang on to it.

The alcoholic hates his booze but wont give it up.
The poor person hates his poverty but wont change the lifestyle that keeps him poor.
The overweight person hates the fat but wont do what it takes to get fit.
The lazy person hates the feeling of dissatisfaction with life but wont give up his TV to make something happen.

People hang on to the carnal low life and give up Gods higher life daily.

In bible times, wine was stored in wineskins.  New wine had to be put in a new wineskin so when the wine continued to age, the skin would stretch with the fermenting of the wine.  If they put new wine in an already stretched old wineskin, the skin would burst under the pressure because it had already been stretched to its capacity.

Jesus said you have to get rid of the old wineskin before you can receive the new wine.  Sometimes we hang on to the low, even though we know Gods higher is better.  Were tired of the old wine, but were not ready to go for the new.  So there must be a point in life where you aren’t only tired of the old, but you are also ready to do whatever it takes to have the new.

If you are through with your low life and want Gods high life, they you’ll get to a place where you will make the exchange, whatever the cost.  You will sell all, burn your bridges, abandon yourself and go for it when you are in pursuit of the perfect will of God and his destiny for your life!

Is it risky? Yes!
Is it scary? Definitely!
It is worth it? Absolutely!
But you have to decide for yourself that you are no longer content to live where you are living and you desire to pursue the destiny that God has for your life!  Ultimately, its your choice.

If you are interested in this topic of study I would strongly recommend the book, Renewing the Mind.  by Casey Treat.  Much of what you have read in this blog has been derived from this book.  It is absolutely exceptional and an essential topic of study for any person looking to take their lives to the next level.