How long will you mourn yesterday?

Failure is an interesting animal.  One, that at some point we all struggle with as we look back on life with some kind of regret which can also have a plethora additional feelings attached to it. Anger, Frustration, Embarrassment, Depression, Self loathing etc…

Failed Job, Failed Marriage, Failed Endeavor… Whatever the case, our perception of the failure often takes us through a season of mourning over what should’ve or could’ve been…If only (insert experience here)… Ever feel that way?  We all have!

1 Samuel 16:1 (NLT)

Now the LORD said to Samuel, “You have mourned long enough for Saul. I have rejected him as king of Israel, so fill your flask with olive oil and go to Bethlehem. Find a man named Jesse who lives there, for I have selected one of his sons to be my king.”

Samuel was called by God to anoint Saul as the first king of Israel.  God had a purpose outlined for Saul but he refused to follow God’s instruction.  Saul’s refusal left Samuel in a precarious position.  For one, Samuel told the people that Saul was “God’s choice” and if he were to renege on these words, not only did it make him look foolish for “speaking the word of God” only to come back later and say… “Sorry, God changed His mind” but, it could also cost him his life on two levels.  He could have been viewed as a “False Prophet” which carried a death sentence at that time, and Saul, the King that he anointed and told all the people that he was God’s choice, probably would not take well to hearing that Samuel was no longer behind him and could possibly view him as a traitor.

Either way, Samuel was in a “no win” situation.  I’m sure he questioned himself, I’m sure he questioned God, I’m sure he questioned his abilities and calling… and it’s obvious that this is the case because God had a “come to Jesus meeting” with Samuel and asked him, “How long are you going to mourn for Saul”… In essence, he was asking him, “How long are you going to mourn for what you view as your greatest failure?”

The cool thing about God is, He didn’t allow the “failure of Saul” to be Samuel’s legacy… God didn’t leave him with, “Samuel anointed Saul as king. Saul was a failure before God and the people hated Samuel who went to his grave known as the Sucky Prophet”…

No, God redeemed Samuel’s legacy by giving him the opportunity to once again, speak on His behalf and anoint a new King, the Greatest King in Israeli history, King David…

It might have been easy for Samuel to continue to wallow in self-pity.  He could have told God to “find someone else” to anoint the next King to avoid possible future embarrassment.  But he dusted himself off and determined to once again follow God’s leading… and changed his legacy!

I ask you as God asked Samuel, How Long Will You Mourn Yesterday?!  Yesterday’s failure is YESTERDAY’S failure!  Like so many throughout history who have failed time and time again but pressed on to victory, SO CAN YOU!

Your failed marriage does not define you, your failed business endeavor does not define you, your failed idea or invention does not define you, your failed relationship with your children does not define you…They are yesterdays failures, and although they cannot be changed today, they do not have to be the story of your tomorrow!  Press On!

I read a quote today that I really liked:  You never truly know yourself until tested by failure…

Temptation to quit is often greatest just before breakthrough!  How disheartening would it be to find out that you threw in the towel on your aspirations and dreams just before you were going to come out of the “Training” season and step into your life’s Election… You owe it to yourself to keep pressing on to victory!   We have something that changes the odds in favor of our success, The Word of God… There is a hope in our relationship with Him that supercedes the failures of our past or the circumstances of our present… He can take our failures and work them together as a learning experience that equips us for the very dream that has seemingly lied dormant for all these years!

Philippians 1:6 states: He who has begun a good work in you is FAITHFUL to complete it!

The greatest biographies ever written are of those who have encountered obstacles and overcame them!  The last chapter of your life is yet to be written… MAKE IT AN EXCITING ONE!!!  Let go of yesterday and put tomorrow in God’s hands! I believe that God wants you to get where He wants you to be MORE THAN you want to be there yourself so put your trust in Him!

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
If you can dig it…Say WORD!!!