Today is my wife Lisa’s 40th Birthday. Many of you know her but still a great majority of you do not. So, I’m going to tell you a little bit about her. Lisa has been my silent support, strength and partner for the last 21 years of ministry. She’s not interested in the limelight. She doesn’t care if people know her or see her and she doesn’t need to be recognized for what she does. She is the most loving, giving and selfless person I have ever met, an amazing mother and the best wife in the world.


She left her family, friends and everything she knew 6 months after marrying me in 1996 to follow a young preacher to Tennessee so that I could pursue my ministry dreams. And when I was ready to throw in the towel on those dreams, she was the one who grounded me, told me I couldn’t, and insisted that I get my butt back in gear and focus on the over all picture which was much bigger than just me.


To paint a picture of her in one sentence I will recite a conversation that I overheard between her and a friend the year after an attempt on my life in the line of duty, while I was out of work and going through physical rehabilitation. Her friend asked her, “Doesn’t it bother you that you are working 10-12 hours a day 5-6 days a week and your husband isn’t…?” Lisa replied, “I don’t care if Aaron ever works another day in his life, I’m just glad he’s here…”


That’s my wife…That’s my Lisa.


So, celebrate with me today a woman who, like a fine wine, just gets better with age! I love you baby, I’m so thankful for you…and I know I’m God’s favorite because He gave me you….His best…


Happy 40th Birthday – Aaron