A picture is worth a thousand words.


I saw this picture today and a thought hit me… “Man, how many people are like this statue, just tired of being stuck in the same place, motionless and discouraged with bird crap running down your face…? How many of us feel like we are living life in such a way that our existence feels like we are powerless to avoid and in constant reaction to the unavoidable poop being dive-bombed at us at will…?” My guess would be a lot of us feel that way.


Watching a program today it became very apparent to me that for the most part, we live in reaction to the opposition or attacks that we face but I see very little done or even being taught that would be considered a proactive address of what we are often in reaction to and I question, why are we, WHY AM I okay with living in a constant reactive state to the attack…?


This is no different than how most people live any other aspect of their lives…We complacently eat what we want until we get so fat that we are dissatisfied with our appearance and THEN we do something. Or we go to the doctors and find that we have a disease or mandate an emergency surgery and then decide to do what we should have been doing (and many of us knew to be doing) all along.


We spend much time planning and teaching on what to do to navigate difficulties, and I’m all about God being there for and with us when we face tragedy and hard times…but what if we could have avoided most of our problems all together proactively by “seeking FIRST the kingdom of God”?!


What I mean by that is… The Bible says that Jesus (who I believe is the model of what it looks like when being lead by the spirit of God) didn’t do anything except he saw or heard the father do it…I wonder if it is possible, that if God is in His proper place in our lives and we are intentionally in tune with what He is saying and we are in intentional pursuit of hearing from Him (and then following that leading)…if “all these things” that we worry about or that come against us or that we find ourselves ever reacting to would have been proactively addressed long before they ever reached a place of becoming tragic in our lives to begin with…


Just a thought…Maybe I’m wrong…