
Human nature often looks for and favors those who appear “Excellent” but you realize that God rarely anointed “Excellent” people don’t you…? At least not from their peers standards…or even their own standard… It would seem that the best are not always the most “Excellent” from a “God’s choice” perspective.

David was overlooked by his own father and brothers…Samuel described him as a runt of his family and once he became king he was definitely less than an “excellent” leader from an integrity position.  Moses was a stuttering, insecure murderer.  Jesus’ own HANDPICKED disciples were all problem-laden misfits and failures by definable standards… Yet, God saw something in them in spite of their lack of “excellence” that He anointed when surely there had to have been others who were more polished, better looking, more talented and carried themselves more professionally.

When you are better than many at what you do, it is easy (maybe even from a fleshly standard-“natural”) to allow personal achievement and pride to influence your perspectives.  It’s 2nd nature to hold others to your scale and judge accordingly but a lesson I have learned in “hearing” is that the Holy Spirit is a much better judge of what He can use (and wants to use) than I am.  It seems apparent that God doesn’t necessarily call the equipped but rather equips the called and no matter how great the talent, there is no substitute for anointing…

I’m thankful that when I was knocked down, leaders and friends in my life discerned what I could not see in myself and challenged the best in me by empowering me when I simply wouldn’t have if I were in their shoes…I wasn’t the “excellent” choice, but I believe I was the right choice…

Today, my prayer is that I would continue now to see others through God’s eyes and perceive His desire for them over my own perspective so that I don’t miss an opportunity to be a part of His plan of empowering another for Kingdom advancement or even by my own shortsightedness, miss out on their progress being a piece of my God ordained legacy…

I think it is possible that “Excellence” can become a stumbling block when we are more impressed by what we see than what the Holy Spirit has anointed.


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