by TattooPreacher | Feb 10, 2015 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, Religion, tattoopreacher
In the corporate world typically the model is kick butt and take names and you’ll get ahead, when the bible says the way to get ahead is to give. The seeming law of progression in the corporate model is promote yourself, step on the shoulders of the guy next to you or...
by TattooPreacher | Sep 5, 2014 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, leadership, Religion, tattoopreacher
So how do we deal with our pastor being human? A funny thought I had this morning while meditating on this is that even though Jesus WAS perfect, there were a TON of people who viewed him in less than a perfect light… Even killing him for what they believed to be a...
by TattooPreacher | Aug 18, 2014 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, leadership, Religion, tattoopreacher, Uncategorized
You have been called to a ministry of significance! I was recently reading the book of a pastor of a megachurch and he made the statement that being “on time” or “punctual” is simply not a priority to him. When I read this, I paused for a moment and thought, “if this...
by TattooPreacher | Jun 5, 2014 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, leadership, Quantum Physics, Religion, Science, tattoopreacher
…as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (Gal 5:21) Studying the subject of the “Kingdom of God” has been a passion of mine for a few years now. Typically, when people read...
by TattooPreacher | Jul 13, 2011 | Uncategorized
I haven’t been posting all of the chapters from the book in this blog, but this is an essential follow up chapter to chapter 13 (freedom) that was posted previously so I am posting this rough draft chapter for those of you who are my “faithful...