I Was Smart Once…

In a recent conversation, I had a friend argumentatively tell me, “I’ve read the bible all the way through, cover to cover…I know what it says…” I was a little taken aback at her thought process. Now, I do realize that someone who has “read about” a subject may...


In the last year I’ve finally come out of a very long season of pain and frustration as a direct result of something I didn’t deserve…2006 was my last year in law enforcement… I was a Detective Sergeant and a SWAT team member… I was awarded officer of the year a few...


Chapter 13- Renouncing Sin So many Christians hear about freedom from sin and want to experience that freedom but never really reach a place of victory over it…why? Exodus 34:6-7 …God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving-kindness and...

You Just Can’t Do Enough…

Having been in ministry in the capacity that I have for many years, I have had NUMEROUS occasions to talk with people concerning what they “believe” it means to be a Christian and furthermore, what it takes to “maintain” a “Christian” status… To many, Christianity is...