by TattooPreacher | Jan 9, 2015 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, leadership, Religion, tattoopreacher
In the final paragraphs of the book, Dreaming with God, the author relays a story of his childhood. He describes an environment where his family had some friends over for company. During the day they enjoyed a fun filled day, dinner together, hanging out and lots of...
by TattooPreacher | Nov 11, 2014 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, Religion, tattoopreacher
The Bible says, As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. In Psychology this is called “Self-Fulfilling Prophecy”. In essence, what you believe about yourself or your circumstances ultimately influences how you respond (often in every arena of life) and much of the time...
by TattooPreacher | Sep 3, 2014 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, leadership, Religion, tattoopreacher
One of the most difficult struggles for many an integritous leader is the weight of unfair public judgments . People are tough on pastors. They place them on unrealistic pedestals & criticize their every word or action. I will never debate against pastors being...
by TattooPreacher | Jan 27, 2011 | Uncategorized
I AM inspired As I’m coming to the end of this book, I find myself reflecting on so much that has transpired in this season… So many ups and downs, so many tests of my character, so many opportunities to “give up or GET UP”. It’s interesting for me to look back over...
by TattooPreacher | Dec 31, 2010 | Uncategorized
It is NOT over!!! Dec 31st 2010 I’m sitting in my living room listening to Ricardo Sanchez’s song, I Call Your Name playing silently on my Ipod which plays around the clock in my house and reflecting on the past year. The good times…The not so...