What is Sin Really?

“So Tattooed Preacher, What is Sin Really?”…Isn’t it subjective?…Can’t something be sin for one person and not for another?…Can’t sin be based upon where a person “is” spiritually and not on an absolute?…Is it sin for me to do ______________?…WHAT IS THE ANSWER?!!!

Many would like to impose their “personal” convictions upon me with a judgmental stare and a pointed finger, but I just don’t believe that “Sin” is always the same for everyone.

I am confident that there are things that are more absolute and are always sin…Adultery, Murder, Devil Worship…

But where are the lines drawn on the gray areas?  For instance is it sin for me to have a beer or glass of wine with dinner?

Is it sin for me to attend that party?

Is it sin for me to enjoy that ________Whatever….

As I said before I believe that there are some things that are sin no matter who you are and there are other things that are sin BECAUSE of who you are…(or have been).

It could be sin for the former alcoholic to have a beer with his dinner…(and if you are below a legal age to make that decision then yes it is because you are breaking the law) But I have no personal conviction about it at my age…I don’t like beer, I think it taste like the P word 😉  HA!!!, but I love a glass of wine with a steak…and I personally have never been drunk and don’t use alcohol as a crutch for me to “get away from my problems”…I don’t abuse it…It has no addictive draw for me…It’s not altering my state of mind…So is it sin for me?  I really don’t think so…Could it be sin for someone else?  ABSOLUTELY!!!

There are certain environments that I will not place myself in because there may be an opportunity for me to “fail” in those environments…Those environments may be sin for me, but others may have absolutely NO PROBLEM with it…and just because I have a weakness in an area, does not mean that everyone will…So sin can be subjective.

There are so many people who have lived in bondage because of “Religion” being shoved down their throat!  Being taught that anything that is fun is SIN!  You went to the movies?  SINNER!!!…You laughed at a joke?   SINNER!!!…You listened to that music?  SINNER!!!…You wore those clothes?   SINNER!!!…And the list goes on…we get/got burnt with the whole legalistic adherence to RULES, we get/got tired of the bullcrap “YOUR GOING TO HELL BECAUSE YOU DON’T DO JUST AS I DO, LOOK AS I DO, TALK AS I DO, JUDGING OTHERS AS I DO…” being preached at us…So we quit altogether and figured if we are going to hell anyways, might as well do it having fun on the way!  Right?

I believe that there is a HUGE difference between having a “RELIGION” about God, and having a “RELATIONSHIP” with God…but many Christians have not come to this point of enlightenment and view religion and relationship as synonymous

The fact is, NOT everything that is fun, IS SIN!!!  And my convictions may be different than yours…

Ultimately, my relationship with God is between God and me…And if he places an expectation upon me and I don’t adhere to what he has asked of me, then it is probably sin for ME, but not necessarily for you…

For those of you who have struggled with this subject, I am going to make this SOOOO EASY with one bible verse and one quote…

The bible says that if you know to do good and you don’t…It’s SIN…

And “SIN is anything that cools your affection toward God…”

So in a nutshell, if it is drawing me down a path that is contrary to where God is leading me, if it distracts or distances my relationship with God, or if I feel that God has placed a personal requirement on me…Then yeah, it’s probably sin for ME to do it…

But we are all in a different place spiritually, we are all heading down different paths, and in our search for truth we are all PERSONALLY accountable to God (not corporately)…Which is why God tells us that we are not to Judge others…Because only He knows the heart of the individual, only He knows what they have been through, and only He knows what it is going to take to get them where they need to go…

So quit worrying so much about everyone else’s walk with God and focus on yours!  Maybe your example will speak louder than you mouth when YOU actually live your life for Christ instead of telling everyone else how to live theirs…

I love ya, and I’ll leave you with this final challenge…

Don’t let “Religion” keep you from the “Relationship” that God has designed you for…

God loves you even if his people haven’t…

If you can dig it say WORD!!!