Have you ever had your life rearranged so bad that you felt like you could never get back on track and be who you felt like God Called you to be…?

This happened with me a few years ago. Before two men attempted to kill me I was on top of the world! I was a S.W.A.T officer and A Detective Sergeant, I was awarded top honors as officer of the year… I was living the dream! And in an experience that only lasted a few minutes, all of that came crashing down.

The guy who my peers used to describe as “the guy they wanted in their corner when things went down” was crippled to a mere shadow of who he used to be… My confidence was gone, my strength was gone, and then after a year of physical therapy, the doctors informed me that my injuries were permanent and I would have to medically retire because they would not release me to ever return to law enforcement.

Beyond the devastation of not being able to return to the career that I loved and worked so hard to advance in, I lived in a right to work state which meant once I lost my job, I lost my income and my benefits with virtually no restitution because we have no union or pension.

It felt like I was in a whirlwind season where things were domino-ing from bad to worse at an alarming rate!

Have you ever felt like that…? What I have come to realize after going through this situation and now coming out on the other side of it is… If you are like me, I think many of us look at life from a single path perspective. In our minds it’s almost like, if we don’t stay on that one path or if anything comes along and derails us from that path, then we will never be who God initially intended us to be. And that’s simply not true

I think God is much more like a GPS system… He may tell us, turn right at the nest intersection, but if we do not turn right, it does not mean all hope is lost as many would assume… on the contrary, God simply goes into “Re-navigating” mode and maps out the quickest path from where we now are to where He intends for us to be… The re-navigation may cost us a little more time than what would have been initially required had we simply stayed on course… but in the end, God is faithful to finish the work that He has begun in us if we simply follow the directions from the point where we are now…God never throws in the towel on us… Don’t throw in the towel on Him… Hearing Him say “Well done” is still your destiny…